the first confirmed zika patient has reportedlybeen found in myanmar,... amid suspicions the disease is rapidly spreading in southeastasia. in response, the international community isaiding the epicenter of the virus, brazil... through various efforts, including the useof rapid diagnostic kits made in korea. kim ji-yeon reports. after the first zika patient was confirmedin singapore in august, the virus has been spreading rapidly throughout the southeastasian region,... now reaching myanmar. state-owned myanmar tv reported friday localhealth authorities have confirmed a 32-year-old pregnant foreign resident in yangon to bethe country's first zika patient earlier this
week. the case is not an isolated occurrence asthe number of confirmed cases in southeast asia is being reported on a regular basis. the number of confirmed patients in singaporealone have risen to 415. the situation is prompting the internationalcommunity to come up with measures to contain the virus' spread. diagnostic kits developed by a korean biotechfirm is scheduled to be sent to brazil, the epicenter of the zika epidemic. biotech firm genbody incorporation says ithas agreed to sell 3-point-5-million kits
to brazil's state-run pharmaceutical firmbahiafarma for 30-million u.s. dollars. the kits, which received approval from brazil'shealth surveillance agency anvisa in late may, are said to be able to confirm within20 minutes whether a patient has contracted the zika virus. brazilian health authorities plan to distributethe kits to medical centers nationwide by february next year. authorities in brazil and colombia will alsobe releasing bacteria-infected mosquitoes to zika clusters starting next year... witha fund worth some 18-million dollars provided by the u.s. and british governments, the wellcometrust global health charity and the bill & melinda
gates foundation. scientists claim the naturally grown bacteriaknown as wolbachia takes away enzymes and nutrients of infected mosquitoes... whichhelps slow down the reproduction of the zika virus. brazil now has more than 1,800 confirmed casesof babies with microcephaly, a condition causing abnormally small and underdeveloped heads...andthat has been linked to zika infections in the mothers. kim ji-yeon, arirang news.
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