zika virus areas

zika virus areas

bit of a wake-up call today. when the centers for disease control released a new map... that shows the bay area is now in the danger zone.. for the zika virus. kpix 5 reporter emily turner says.. this is not what pregnant women want to hear...

emily: expectant mother adina blair is ready for baby number two, not only because she's excited to meet her...but also because she's ready to be done with the threat of the zika virus. take sot adina blair/expectant mom "its frightening i thought was

something i never needed to worry out, so yeah- terrifying." originally, the virus- carrying-mosquitos were supposed to be contained in the southern gulf states and parts of the southwest and southern california. but today, the centers for disease control and

prevention updated their maps based on new scientific information. possible areas now include the midwest, new england and reach farther north in california, now encompassing the bay area. nizza sequeira /marin sonoma vector control "temperatures are becoming

warmer in our arease- these are also an invasive species and once they are in an area they are very hard to eradicate." so far the species of mosquito that carries the zika virus hasn't arrived in the area, but according to the cdc's map, that doesn't mean it wont. and that

has women like adina on edge. take sot "luckily i'm due soon, but if i wasnt i'd be upset. i'll definately tell my girlfriends. marin sonoma vector control is on alert as well. there's not much they can do until the species shows up, but they are keeping a wary out for

when -and if- they do. take sot "for the past three years weve been doing surviellance for aedes apple pictus and aegypti (this is not the right spelling) and will continue to do that in the coming year." a former treasurer of a san ramon football league is behind

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