zika virus effects on babies

zika virus effects on babies

>> house republicans are nowdebating whether or not it makes sense to provide more access tobirth control and reproductive rights, knowing that the zikavirus could have devastating impacts on women and the children they are carrying. even know the virus is closelylinked to something called microcephaly, it turns out thatrepublican male congressmen have no interest in helpingwomen deal with this situation. representative jeff duncan saidthe pop following, "this push

for more abortion access isheartbreaking, especially since there are different degrees of microcephaly." he is right in that there aredifferent degrees of microcephaly, but all of thedegrees are pretty devastating. microcephaly is a conditionstrongly linked to the zika virus that causes baby to beborn with abnormally small heads and brains thataren't fully developed. this is why several countriesthat have been impacted by the

zika virus in latin america haveurged women to not get pregnant in the next two years. it is amazing, and it isobviously extremely dangerous for the unborn babies. "house democrats also emphasizedthe importance of increasing birth control access for womenat the hearing on wednesday, since u.s. has long-standingprohibitions on foreign aid money being used to pay or advocate for abortion."

but house democrats had nointerest in that. i get it, you think youare pro-life. then, you can prevent theabortions by giving women access to birth control tomake sure they don't get pregnant in the first place. but house republicans avoidedthe issue of contraception and family planning access for womenin endemic countries, and instead encouraged women towelcome babies born with microcephaly.

>> i cannot get past this ideathat we have come to accept in this country, maybe across the world, that these guys aresupposed to get to enforce their morality on us, through whateverancient myths and legends they happen to believe in. okay, you think your religionsays that it is against abortion. first of all, it doesn't, as ihave said many times, read the bible, it is actuallypro-abortion.

it allows for you to givepresent your wife to induce miscarriage if you think shecheated on you, read the bible. fine, you are wrong, but youearnestly believe that your mythology tells you howto live your life. but i am not in your religion,and we live in a democracy. and a lot of those latinamerican countries are also democracies to varying degrees, so, for them to say, you have tolive by my mythology, and you have to have a kid and take careof it for however long it

survives in this case ã± >> and of the baby survives,that is the best case scenario. usually, because of theundeveloped brain, the baby dies almost immediately. >> either you have to have ababy that you know was going to die almost immediately, or thebaby survives and you have to take care of it for years, eventhough it has a small brain that is undeveloped, and i am goingto make you do that, because i think some dude talked to a pushsome 500 years ago, and then

another dude walked on water 2000 years ago. and then zeus came down and hadsex with this one, i need that is the other mythology, butbecause of that i'm going to ruin your life. no, you don't get to dothat, that is insane. of course we're not going toplay by your morality. if we all agreed with certainmorality, in a democracy, hey you should not murder people,okay that is a democracy.

but if you say, i don't need youto agree, i'm going to impose my mythology on you, thatis mental. we should never tolerate it. no, everybody gets tohave their own morality. what those women want to dowith their bodies is their choice, not to have republicansin america telling brazilians, and other latinamerican countries, no, no, no, i am going to enforce mymorality on you and make you live with it therest of your life.

fuck off.

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