zika virus flu

zika virus flu

i'm gabe garza with today's health news. withwave after wave of alarming news about the zika virus in the news recently it's niceto hear something positive. a new joint study focused on babies born in colombia to womeninfected with zika virus. during the last three months of pregnancy no obvious birthdefects were found. zika is a mosquito-borne viral disease that causes flu-like symptoms.it rarely causes problems for adults and many people don't even know they have been infected.if a pregnant woman becomes infected with zika in the first three months, however, herchild is at risk for birth defects. one of the most obvious has been microcephaly, acondition in which the child's head and brain don't develop properly and are undersized.ninety percent of the 600 women infected during

the last three months of pregnancy have deliveredtheir babies. none of them were born with microcephaly or other obvious birth defects.among women infected in the first or second trimester, babies have been born with obviousbirth defects, including microcephaly. researchers stated that it's reassuring that it lookslike third-trimester infections aren't posing a major risks. for more information visitdailyrx.com

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