zika virus in adults

zika virus in adults

one of the biggest problems in the fight against the zika virus is that there is no vaccineto prevent the infection, and there is no treatment totreat those who are infected. we need to do everythingwe can to stop this virus. the openzika projecton world community grid aims to identify drug candidates to help treat the zika virus inpeople who have been infected. we are using computer simulations

to find, from millions ofcompounds, which of them can best fit on the keyproteins of the zika virus. these simulations are just like trying to find the rightkey to unlock a door, and that will result in blocking the virus to replicate or to infect new cells. we are going to screenaround 20 million compounds against all the zika virus proteins. without the world community grid,

we would only be able to screen a few thousand compounds against some of the zika proteins, and this would severelylimit our potential for drug discovery against the zika virus. while you are doing something else, like watching a movie, peoplecan use their computer or mobile device to help us fight zika. one important outcomeof the openzika project

is to make the dataavailable for the public. everyone in the world couldhelp us and join this task. we need everybody's helpin the fight against zika, so please go to worldcommunitygrid.org and contribute withyour idle computing time. and the more people will do that, the faster we'll be ableto solve this problem. we need your help.

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