zika virus in mosquitoes

zika virus in mosquitoes

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radicals.the city without cell phones, wifi and microwave ovens - the town of green bank in the us state of west virginia is the use of all wireless devices prohibited. mobile phones, bluetooth devices, tablets and even microwave ovens are not welcome there. it all has to do with the presence of the green bank telescope, a telescope is so powerful that he can pick up the energy of a snowflake falling on the ground.zika virus outbreak may have caused by genetically modified mosquitoes - the world health organization (who) has declared an international public health emergency because of the spread of the zika virus. in areas where the zika virus prevalent, many notable children seem to be born with a too small skull. the genetically

modified mosquitoes had to ensure that offspring are no longer able to reproduce. due to the presence of the antibiotic tetracycline – which occurs in the soil, surface water, and food – would be a part of the mosquitoes stillable to survive. critics suggest that mosquitoes may do just fine as a result of unknown mutations in the wild, thus makes the spreading of the zika virus only worse. “many animals eat mosquitoes,” said jaydee hanson of the center for food safety. “they introduced a completely new genetic material in the ecosystem.”in 2012 the british biotech company oxitec released the super bugs freely in the northeast of brazil to bring down the mosquito population that spreads dengue and zika virus. but inreality made things only worse.

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