zika virus infected areas

zika virus infected areas

the cdc has confirmed that thezika virus is now actively spreading in miami beach. this friday, rick ã±governor rick scott issued a statement saying, "we believe wehave a new area where local transmissions are occurring inmiami beach." he goes on to say, "the suspectzone covers about one 45 mi.≤ between eight and 28th streets, and between the beachand the intercoastal waterway ã± a stretch that encompasses thecity's tourist area."

this is a very heavy touristpopulation. health conference after ã± health officials have confirmedthat at least five people have been infected withthe zika beach ã± with ã± with zika there, including tolive in miami beach. each have returned home, butwere infected while traveling in miami. the cdc is issuing a traveladvisory, especially for pregnant women, they shouldavoid these designated

areas in miami beach. all man, this sucks to read, idon't how you guys felt about this news. a couple of thoughts, one isthat i love miami. i go there every year for a"conference," but largely for vacation. i don't even know what that'ssupposed to mean, are we supposed to infer what you aretalking about? i immediately thought cenk is adrug dealer.

yes, a colombian conference. no it's worse, it's atelevision conference. for the benefit of my wife, i'mworking hard down there in miami, but she knows. we don't plan on gettingpregnant again, so zika shouldn't affect me that muchbut i'm still a little freaked out by it, and they were tryingto pretend that this did not affect the miami beach area. originally they were like, it'swinwood, nobody goes to

winwood, don't worry about it. it's mosquitoes, they'll neverfly over to miami beach. they said that, mosquitoes,don't travel that much. i'm like, then how did they gethere? also despite the fact that thisis mosquito season right now, that's what they are in themidst of. when you were reading that iloved the geographical specificity that the governorsaid, he was like it's between eight and 28th st.,

because no mosquito evertravels between 7 8th st., that never happens. i would go all the way to sixthstreet, just to be safe. the reason why this is soupsetting to me is because i remember doing stories lastsummer ã± in fact, prior to that, about the inevitability ofzika coming here. and we are actually pretty goodat this stuff, we're pretty good at predicting thepattern of diseases and the epidemiology and all that.

and what were saying was that weneeded to just throw a little money at it and to get on it andit was all kind of things we could do. republicans blocked thatspending in congress, it's like a predictable slow-motion trainwreck that everyone said was going to happen. soon enough, because we aredummies, it will be spread across large swaths of thesouthern united states. part of it is that republicanscannot see anything that is

not right in front of them. climate change, i can't seethat, here's a snowball, there's no climate change. zika virus, i can't see it, it'snot here. it's here now. god dammit, the liberals wereright again. but they never say that, theynever say the liberals were right. zika?

all of a sudden it's a nationalemergency, it's probably the muslims. it's the muslim mosquitoes. they probably have something todo with that. they will start with, no onecould see this coming. but josh will do histhing, wait a minute, 18 months ago i did this story. watch my show, for the love ofgod, watch my show. and the other thing is, youthink there's no connection

with the orlando shooting andthe mosquitoes coming at the same time? they are probably gang ã± they are probably gay mosquitoesfor all we know. gay muslim mosquitoes. there was a lifestyle in miamibeach that was problematic, and where does it end? between eight and 28th streets. exactly where that lifestyle is.

i'm not saying anything, i'mjust saying. the reality is, science isactually right. the from time to time theyreally did say the mosquitoes don't travel that far, and ikept thinking, they fly. also, people travel. it's a tourist destination. it's not fucking rocket science,we live in a world where people move, things move, welive on a globalized planet. you can expect that ifscientists are telling you

that there's no reason why aparticular disease to the existence of florida, then thatdisease will exist in south florida. i mean i hear your point, butmosquitoes don't have that kind of money to buy airplanetickets. excellent point jimmy, excellentpoint. what do we think, zika, should ibe freaked out or should i not be freaked out? so again, i believe we're done,we've got two kids, i don't

have to worry about thepregnancy issue, so if i get zika is it like no big deal? who cares? so what? i'm going to miami beach isonly something that pregnant women care about? it's not fun, but it's notdeadly. what does it do to you if you'renot pregnant? it's flulike symptoms, it makesyou very sick.

there's a very small chanceof contracting a really horrible disease that paralyzesyour body and kills you, but that's a minuscule chance. basically the problem ispregnant women, and that this microcephaly where babies areborn with small brains, and that becomes a very enormoushealth problem. a lot more republican voters. maybe that's why they didn'tfund it they were like, we are losing our voting base, we'vegot to shrink some brains this

is a good way to do it. but the good thing about whenthe republicans killed the funding to fight this is thatthe democrats are really good at pouncing on something likethat and making it an issue.

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