zika virus no cure

zika virus no cure

let's get an expert's view on this issue...duane gubler, professor of emerging infectious diseases at duke university, national universityof singapore graduate medical school in singapore joins us via skype.duane gubler has also served on numerous who committees.professor gubler, thanks so much for connecting with us. what's especially worrisome about this diseaseis that we don't know much about it. there is no vaccine or cure, and the virus has beenlinked to microcephaly, resulting in babies born with small heads. what exactly is zikavirus? how is it transmitted? there are concerns that the zika virus isspreading from the americas to asia --- which

of course has us in this region worried. justa few hours ago, korea classified the virus as a legal state-managed infectious disease.is it likely that a zika outbreak could happen in this part of the world... including korea? there are no known vaccine or cure to this disease. howshould we protect ourselves? does this apply to all women? you've been with the world health organizationfor years. how serious is the situation when

an emergency meeting of such is called upon? duane gubler, professor of emerging infectious diseases at duke-nus graduate medicalschool in singapore.... thank you indeed for sharing your insights with us tonight.

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