zika virus rash itchy

zika virus rash itchy

hello, my name is dr. susan jewell. now inthis clip i'm going to demonstrate to you how you can find a way to reduce the itchingwhen you're bitten by an insect like a mosquito. so what i have here is you can take an aspirintablet. don't do this if you're allergic to aspirin though, okay so make sure you're notallergic to aspirin. but you take an aspirin tablet and then you pulverize it into a powderform. so here i have a pulverized tablet of aspirin and i put it into this bowl here likethat. then what i do is i'm going to make a little paste. so you just want to add alittle bit of water just so it dissolves the aspirin, you know the powder to make a verypaste like substance texture. add a bit more. keep doing that until it becomes like a pastelike that. so once you've got a paste off

the pulverized aspirin, what you do for exampleif i say that this was the area on my hand, on my arm where it's bitten from the mosquitoand it is very itchy and inflamed, what i can do is the first thing i need to do isto make sure that the area is cleansed with soapy water. so you got to clean the areavery well all over the area that is bitten with soapy water. pat it all dry and thento reduce the itching what you could do is you could use your fingers. but make sureyour hands are sterilized, wash it was soapy water. then you can just add this paste allonto the bite itself with this pulverized aspirin paste. just put it over the area thatis bitten and that will help to give you some relief from the itch and the pain. it willstop you from scratching as well because a

lot of the inflammation, infection is causedon mosquito bites it's cause by repetitive scratch in the area and opening the skin wound.so this is one way to help you alleviate the itching and prevent inflammation and infection.

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