zika virus risk

zika virus risk

the worsening zika outbreak in singapore andits potential to spread elsewhere in asia and beyond is rapidly raising alarms amonghealth experts. against this backdrop, a newly released studyidentifies eight countries in asia and africa that researchers say are at the greatest riskof zika virus transmission. kim ji-yeon gives us the details. new research shows that billions of peopleliving in the tropical regions of asia and africa where the weather is mostly hot andhumid are at risk of contracting the zika virus. an international team of researchers examineda variety of factors.

they investigated the number of travelersfrom zika-affected areas in south america who went to africa or asia. they also studied the mosquitoes that carrythe virus and researched the climate in affected regions to try and assess which countriesmight be next to experience an outbreak. the results of the research pointed to india,which has a population of 1-point-2-billion people, as highly likely where the next zikaoutbreak could occur. over in china, which has the largest populationin the world, an estimated 242-million people in its southern regions like guangdong arealso at risk from the virus. when the countries' medical infrastructureis taken into account... the researchers say

those residing in countries like the philippines,vietnam, pakistan, nigeria and bangladesh are also at risk due to a lack of diagnosticand treatment methods to prevent an outbreak. the world health organization reports thatout of the 55 countries that have reported a zika case last year, 47 of them were fromthe americas or the caribbean islands. however, u.s. authorities confirmed earlierthis week that mosquitoes carrying the zika virus have been found in miami, in the stateof florida... marking the first time the virus has been found in the continental u.s. while zika is primarily spread by mosquitoesit can also be transmitted through unprotected sex with an infected person,...and a caseof suspected transmission through a blood

transfusion in brazil has raised questionsabout other ways it may be spread. the zika virus poses the most danger to pregnantwomen. becoming infected during pregnancy can causethe birth defect microcephaly and other severe brain abnormalities in babies... as well asa neurological disorder that can result in paralysis. kim ji-yeon, arirang news.

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