zika virus side effects

zika virus side effects

one of my previous videos, top 12 hilarioushillary clinton lies is asked "do you think she's a pathological liar or compulsive liar?" a lousy 16 total responses. 87% think she's a pathological liar, 12% believeshe's a compulsive liar. i have new information on the killing drugscalled antidepressants. i covered this subject last week with confrontationalfacts, i will include a link in the description. however, i want to push this forward justto bitch-slap the pharma industry. so share this! scientists analyzed 34 different studies onthe use of antidepressants, which 5260 people

between nine and 18 years old participated. in addition, the use of 14 kinds of anti-depressantswas examined. the researchers concluded that when only oneof the 14 examined antidepressants was evidence that the drug worked better than a placebo. their research is published in the medicaljournal the lancet. the researchers noted that most studies havebeen done on behalf of pharmaceutical companies and are often unreliable. “if we look at all of the studies, we seethat only fluoxetine have more positive side effects than negative side effects,” saidco-author professor peng xie.

“psychological help should be the firststep.” most available antidepressants do not workand some are unsafe, the study said. one of the drugs, venlafaxine, has been linkedto an increased risk of suicidal tendencies. about three percent of children aged six to12 years and six percent of teens suffer from a depressive disorder. the use of antidepressants has steadily increasedbetween 2005 and 2012. the video below shows at 7:35 the shockingresult of casualties caused by antidepressants. did you ever used antidepressants in yourlife? use the voting poll, click the label now.

write in the comment box ---below, your thoughts,it really counts. for the full news article click the labelin the top right corner now. for more info open up the description boxbelow this video. click the red fancy subscribe button to makesure you never miss the daily alternative news "they" don't want you to know. please support me by using the share buttons. thanks in advance and bless you. i'll see you tomorrow. iâ´m heathcliff, your host.


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