zika virus symptoms and effects

zika virus symptoms and effects

in 2015 the zika virus started to spread rapidly through latin america. the infection appears to be linked to a rapid increase in babies with abnormally small heads the zika virus was discovered in subtropical forests in africa in 1947 by the end of 2015 it had already spread across four continents primarily due to increasing global travel until recently the viruswas not considered dangerous as the symptoms of the disease are relatively mild and go away after 1 week symptoms include fever rash joint painand red eyes four out of five infected people however have no symptoms at all

she is most commonly transmitted by aedes mosquitoes which are active during daytime a transmission happens when a mosquito first bites and infected person then goes on to infect another person the infection appears to be related tothe development of microcephaly a neurological condition causing unusually small heads and brain damage in newborn babies the growth of the virus has been linkedto the steep increase of microcephaly cases therefore pregnant women have beenwarned to be vigilant particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy some officials said women should consider delaying pregnancy

until more is known about the risks governments across the world have advised pregnant women not to travel to the affected regions pregnant women in these areas should take measures to avoid mosquito bites like wearing long pants and long sleeve shirts using insect repellent and staying inside in places with airconditioning there is no known vaccine or cure for the zika virus while the search for a vaccine hasstarted, scientists are also working on ways to genetically modify mosquitoes,to sterilize them

until then the most effective way of controlling zika is to eliminate mosquitoes as much as possible

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