zika side effects

zika side effects

the zika rye rust makes its way to our area. the philadelphia department of health confirms it first case, good afternoon everyone i'm jessica dean. i'm's ukee washington. health officials say it was just a math overtime health

reporter stephanie stahl joins with us new information that was just released. just released. person with zika in philadelphia is a a woman in her 60's who returned to a trip from the caribbean. she was not hospitalized and

currently recovering without complications. we just talked to an official with the health department who says that there is in threat to the community. i know zika had has got a lot of attention and people are worried bit because it is

a new infection. reporter: doctor carolyn johnson with the philadelphia department of health is among health officials who had been expecting more cases of zika virus spread by mosquitoes. while there are cases a across the united states it is mainly

concentrated and spread nothing central and south america and caribbean. virus can cause mild flu-like symptoms and is only dangerous to pregnant with man because it can cause birth defects and can be sexually transmitted. while there is no specific

information about the philadelphia case, it is assumed that she was infected when she was recently in the caribbean. it is not a significant to people locally because mosquitoes that transmit infections don't live or

survive in philadelphia a. i don't think it is a a surprise. reporter: pj brennan a is chief medical officer at penn medicine and infectious disease physician. there are lots of people who travel to the caribbean

and lots of mosquitoes and inevitably, i think someone was going to come back and it has finally happened. health concerns are for pregnant woman and, a apart from that, it is really not a significant issue. reporter: health department

for the the state of pennsylvania, updated its zika numbers today and there are five confirmed cases in pa, 148, pending, lab tests and other than the one woman in philadelphia we don't know electricians of any of these other people but no

complications in any of these

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