zika signs and symptoms

zika signs and symptoms

navy medicine releasedzika virus infection guidance to navy andmarine corps personnel. us navy surgeongeneral vice adm. forrest faison tellsus how to stay safe. the zika virus is spreadby mosquito bites in some countries of thewestern hemisphere. there is currently novaccine or treatment. the symptoms includefever, red eyes, muscle pain, joint pain,rash and headache and can

last from threeto seven days. prevention is the bestway to avoid infection. avoid unnecessary travelto affected countries. when you're outside, coverexposed areas with long sleeve clothes and pantsand use insect repellent frequently. as members of our navyand marine corps family nothing is more importantto us than your health and safety and thatof your family.

if you have symptoms orquestions about the zika virus visit your navymedicine health care provider or viewnavadmin 032/16

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